Hola, I’m a Mexican woman UX UI Designer living in Norway.

Stephany Marlene
3 min readOct 20, 2022


I have more than 9+ years of experience in Multidisciplinary Design. As an Architect, I specialize in Interior Design, as a Designer I focused on Web Design, and as a Visual Artist… Ok, let’s stop the elevator speech here. What I really want to share with you today is...

I have learned that in life, we grow with the idea that we can decide over life, and that we have control of everything around us, however, we need to be open and flexible when an opportunity comes to us.

My Professional story begins when, I had to make -the final decision- of studying something at 17 years old, even though, I always wanted to work in a creative area. I was not sure what to study, and when I knew about Graphic Design, I ended up studying Architecture (because of Family Loyalty) so I ended up with a Bachelor's Degree in Architecture, and don’t get me wrong, I love Architecture! just being a young woman with dreams and ambition in a sexist area such as Architecture, was not easy.


During this journey, I met Rodrigo Sánchez, a person that I really admire, for his capacity of keeping always his positivity and vision in solving complex problems.

As a creative, I learned to use Adobe programs as a self-taught, and this knowledge I was able to apply it to the companies I was working for, and this was an important event in my professional life, because of the market needs, I was moved from being an Interior Designer, Marketing, Social Media, Web Designer, and ultimately Branding Specialist. I remember in 2014, Rodrigo began to share with me about UX and this area seemed familiar and strange at the same time, but I was more -worried- about my clients and the experiences through spaces and websites than learning something new… Does my worrying sound familiar to you?

The passing of time took us to Norway, where after 6 months of establishing ourselves, I started looking for a job, I realized that all companies were looking for UX Designers and that’s why I started to consider the next step of my professional career, and become a UX Designer.

After 8 months of having an intense theory of UX Design thinking, practicing these concepts on my UX UI projects, and with the support of my mentors from CareerFoundry finally, I got my UX UI Design certification, and now, I am often asked for job interviews. How I went from Architect to a UX Designer?… And the only thing I can share with you today is that it is KEY to learn how to adapt to the market needs and grow professionally at the same time.

Today as a UX UI Designer I am part of a huge community and I never felt more heard and accepted than now, and for that, I am so grateful.

This is my first post and if your life resonates with mine we can always connect! Thanks for reading!

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Stephany Marlene

Mexican UX UI Designer | Service Designer | based in Norway